Playtest tweaks

The prototype received some tweaks after feedback from playtesting. 

The initial design for the drone did not possess the ability to look up and down (On the Y-Axis). I did this intentionally as I feared full 360 degree movement would be too chaotic and not very enjoyable.

However, many testers found it strange and annoying being restricted to the X-Axis. Although enjoying the use of the scroll wheel to go up and down, not being able to look up and down became more important to the player as a few missed vent entrances or openings to lead to vital rooms to complete the prototype. 

A simple one line of code (transform.Rotate(Vector3.right * Time.deltatime * MouseY ;),  instantly made both users and myself happy with the navigation. It made the drone smooth, free and just overall felt much better than the confined original I had envisioned.

Additionally I fixed how the player learns the camera mechanic. Originally I had planned that the player would find the computer that was glowing, figure out it was important, take a picture and follow the rest of the objectives. However, with the UI being a battery and focus lens the players could not differiante what was and wasn't an interactable.

To solve this I added a red square that would appear in the middle of the focus whenever an interactable item would appear on screen. Additionally, any interactable had a light on the each object so the player instantly knew what to look for. (In a full game of this mechanic the objects would instead be highlighted once in a close enough proximity)

Finally I added an obstacle (Vent Cover) at the beginning of the level, so when the player is taught the controls they are forced to use the camera on the lit up object. 

All playtesters were very helpful in helping bettering the prototype and the mechanics of the drone itself

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